Archive for July, 2009

Nestle Continues On Road To Notoriety

The Nestle Toll House cookie dough E.coli outbreak has sadly been confirmed by the FDA. But they still don’t know where the E.coli came from. The commissioner said that no E.coli was found inside the factory or on the processing equipment.

“Health officials are still believed to be baffled as to how a bacterium that is found in cattle intestines ended up in cookie dough, which is usually considered to be more at risk from salmonella as this can occur in raw eggs.”

Still, they think it’s an ingredient. I beg to differ.

Dr. Lina’s educated guess at to how this contamination occurred? Lax cleanliness practices by the workers a.k.a. not washing their hands after using the bathroom. E.coli likes to make a living in fecal matter, none of the ingredients in the dough are preferred breeding grounds for E.coli, and fecal contamination is one of the most popular forms of food contamination.

reported that 72 were infected with the O157:H7 strain of E.coli in 30 states, 34 were hospitalized, 10 with hemolytic uremic syndrome.

71% of those infected were women.. Clearly some kind of sick joke to get women to stop our gluttonous gorging on all that is fatty and sugary.